Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My leg day VS. your leg day........

Hello all,
So I thought I'd write about some of the difficulties I deal with but don't stop me from hitting the gym. So as we go through this please take a step back and imagine what it would be like to walk in my shoes.
First thing on leg day I get up well I take the braces off my feet and ankles, I have to or my feet curl up into fists. So I slowly change , but try to rush because my dogs have woken and I don't want them to wake the wife. So dressed I stumble down a full flight of stairs, and release the hounds.
I then go get meds and force them down, always hoping they stay down because if they come up I cant replace them . Meaning I am force to throw up in my hands to catch the meds. Not fun!
Ok we'll fast forward to 5 pm when the wife gets home with the car and I'm off.
It has been 12 hours since I had my pain meds, they only last 6 hours at hours 10 or so I go through daily withdrawls. I have chosen this with my meds because I physically can not handle another dose. I have forced myself lower. Dr. can't believe I'm doing this and still be mobile at all. I will explain the difficulties with my legs at the end.
Starting my leg routine I'm nauseous and had the dry heaves already so its up hill from now on!
My leg routine has all the basics as any body else but I can't squat 600lbs like I used to 10 years ago, and not why you think.
Leg extensions, leg curls,squats, and leg press. My routine is composed of high reps and brutal weight. Ok I do all these each time but here's the fun part when it comes to the leg press its one of  2 routines.First starting with 3 plates a side I add 2 plates each set to each side up to 16 plates total but the sets are all 20 to 30 reps and in this routine this is the last exercise. Second routine is 4 sets 12 plates 20 reps but legs are kept on top of sled between sets and only 45 seconds between sets. try it its great and the point is to force as much blood into the muscle as possible.
Ok so here's the status of my legs:
Left leg, the arties going down have remained strong about 90% of a normal person the returning system of veins and capillaries are at 15%. Any damage that's done to my shins,ankles, and feet, doesn't heal as fast, about 1 tenth the speed. Whats really bad is working 20 years on reinforced concrete. Both arches have broken and slowly and partially healed flat. Then theres the Plantar Fasciitis, both feet are destroyed. Both sets of ligaments bleed inside my feet if I walk more than a few blocks or stand for more than 15 minutes or so.  And since everything is out of alignment my ankles feel like I have 2 constant burned spikes one vertical one horizontal. People wonder why I don't smile.
Right leg: news is better here arties are good going down but...... and theres always a but, the return system has only shut about 60% down so its weird I can almost feel it dying some times..
Because this is what is happening , from the knees down my legs are starving for blood and not getting it and haven't been most of my life. As long back as I can remember my feet have turned purple, white and now black if I sit with my feet down to long. My wife is the one that first pointed it out to me about 4 years ago. I just never paid that close of attention and figured everybody was like this.
Hhhhmm I wont talk about my back in this post that's a hole nother issue that isn't pretty. Oh and did I say I was disabled?? Yah but I'm not dead, and the code I live by reinforces my soul to push on! No retreat No surrender. As you can see I have every reason to give up. Never get out of bed but to go to another Dr. appointment. But for some reason...... oh yah I don't give up, I will not let this or life beat me again.  I understand that by going and training the way I do that I could seriously cripple myself if I'm not careful. But that is no reason to give up. I have plenty of those, but I only have a few left to live by. Having your life completely destroyed by illness that is all genetic sucks . I have always felt that I should not have kids. I know now why I had that feeling. I could never pass this death sentence that is my health on to my child. Everyone deserves a fare shake. Some don't get it but that is no reason to be selfish and irresponsible.
There is some good news with my legs though, since I have implemented this new routine over the last 3 months my legs have begun growing and getting stronger again. Dr. says the random burning in my quads is from new growth and healing. Lets hope!!!
So there you go with a little rambling what a leg day is kinda like for me. I know that to achieve the goals I have set for myself that I must Never retreat and Never surrender.

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