Saturday, October 6, 2012

Gym Etiquette

Hello all,
Today I thought I would build a list that all gym members should abide by. Most of it I consider commonsense but you know what they say about that!
So here we go!!!!!

1.Rack you weights:
 you wont believe this, one day I'm doing my thing I start watching a father son team. Dad leads son through the sets with little pointers, But get this the dad leaves the squatting rack with all the weights still on the bar! He then proceeds to another area makes a mess then leave it again! So being the considerate kind of guy I am , I make a point of slamming the weights as I return each one staring at the dad! Dude can't even look at me in the face and the boy just rolls his head and cringes, I hope the dad's not a hitter because I made him look like the as#$ole he was. Put your crap away the trainers don't pick it up till they have time and they never have time.
2. Dress correctly for the gym, cover your privates PLEASE!
 I really don't need to see this crap. You don't need the attention that bad. Have little self respect, grab a loose tank top and cover it up! There is a time and a place for everything. You want to show it? Get into a contest there is everything from bodybuilding to bikini shows. Not to mention the age range in clubs. If your a parent keep this in mind. I have seen the women and men that are predators in the gym, looking for any age group to prey upon, 40 something going for 15 to 20 something with zero supervision. The clubs don't care they want your money that's it. They do not follow what goes on , on the gym floor they DO NOT have any policies where they tell employees to watch out for younger members. This is why all my friends that are female in my gym know they can come to me for an escort or to terminate a problem then and there. I will not tolerate that kind of behavior in my presence.
3.Friends talking instead of training:
OK so I'm in the middle of training going to my next exercise and these to buddies are chatting up a storm, problem is that one of them is sitting on the equipment I need to use. So I give them about 5 minutes and say "Train don't talk! you done, if not what you got left?". Helps when your over 6 foot and all muscle about 215 currently. The guys actually looked guilty and moved on. Lesson here talk when your done please or keep it short under 2 minutes. That's enough for you to rest up for your set or let them work in.
Do not design a hour long program where you use one piece of equipment. I watched this guy slowly load up a bar, about 10 minutes between sets. Dude then does one or two reps then another 5lbs then 10 minutes of rest and chatting with his girlfriend that's doing the same thing on the other squat rack. So I worked around it but after 45 minutes of this crap- and 3 other members all standing and glaring with me I politely went over to the manager of the club and explained what was happening. By the way dude had 405 on the bar and girl about 95 so nobody could even work in. aaaahhhaa That really pisses me off!!!!!
5. Massively out of shape trainers:
 If you cant do it yourself where the hell do you think you get off attempting to help others. I have watched their programs for years and they are complete crap. Their goal is to make as much money as they can off of you. You sign waivers so that the bad form that's going to slip a disc or tear out your shoulder wont be their fault but yours!! I am building a web sight that I will use to help others and give them the advice they need to succeed! I'm not sure if I will charge anything yet.
6.Being sick in the gym:
Wait till your well,if you want to sweat it out, do it at home! Do not bring that sh#t to the gym!! Nuff said.
7.Newbies get the hell out of my way:
I understand your new,go ahead watch what I do and learn from it. But get the hell out of they way do not stand around in the gym. Do your routine, stay focused and get off machines quickly like everyone else! Pay attention to what everybody else is doing.
8. Scary bad form:
I see this way to much! Pick up a damn book, look up on the Internet the proper form before you cripple your self! I want to smack most of the adults, most of the teenagers have decent form just use wayyyyyy to much weight. The adults are just idiots,total ego's, way to much weight, horrible form and hitting on everyone!!!
OK so that's all I got for today I'm sure I have something again soon!! Just keep these basics in mind if you happen to go to a gym please!! Some of us spend a considerable amount of time there.

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