Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Mental focus......

When I train the mental focus starts a few hours before I hit the gym. Thinking about what I'm training , doing a mental check to make sure I'm dialed, got all gear and food ready and eaten.Then of course what I'm wearing. It really depends on the weather. I want to make sure I always break a brutal sweat. I am very conscious of all these damn medications I'm forced to take to live. So the wife gets home I hop in the car and I usually put my favorite training music in "Slipknot". 9 guys all about my age, the music they play sings to my rage. When this goes in I feel a level of rage that starts at a 5 and by the time I hit the gym its a 10 !!!
I step across the threshold of my local gym and sign in at the front desk. I speak to know one I am here to train not talk. I hop on the scale this week I'm sitting on 215. The its to the first exercise, lets work with back. Basic warm up,chins and deckers. Sets of 20 slow and concentrating on contracting the lats.
Rows are the first big daddy set. I chalk up, step into the rack, strap in and pause, I close my eyes and let the music pull the rage from my soul. I can feel it bleeding from the inside out. It encompasses me and turns my aura into a pulsing flaming forge. As my eyes open I feel the rage burning and fueling my muscles to the point of ripping the muscle from bone. The fires there I stand up and back I assume proper form and explode through each rep. Its not pretty I make noise but do my best not to scream as I push myself to the point of complete furry. The last rep says no, I say yes, its sloppy,ugly and on purpose.
When I train I do not take it easy, I'm in there to decimate my muscles and burn the rage from my tortured soul. My rage is constantly fueled by the stupid sh#t I see. Crappy trainers,people thinking that this is a hang out of some sort, I am here to train. I talk only out of cortecy and save whatever I have to say till I'm done.
Its really hard to describe the level of rage that I possess in the gym. My shrink would say its started with the divorce of my parents when I was 2. I think that plays a part but having the ever loving shit kicked out of you everyday all through school would make you mad to.
I hate bullies. Especially ones that beat woman. I have more than once stepped in and clock a punk that thought he was tough beaten on a ladie. I have also stepped in for some gentlemen that were being bullied. I love it when a big 300 boy tries to intermediate me in the gym to get off a piece of equipment. Last guy that tried it didn't think it was funny when I said don't matter how big you are, might beat my ass once but that why we make guns. plus when training its real easy to walk by and kick a knee or drop a plate on your head. Course there was 3 but that's OK good odds for me.
I see being a bad ass this way, you don't know your limits and what you can take till you've been beaten at least a half dozen times. I've had mine kicked couple a hundred.I then smiled and the punk walked off.Didn't think the litle guy would have no problem smokin him.
 Reminds me of a time in the gym right after my heart attacks that I was trying put up 80 lb. dumbbells on the military press. Half way up I blacked out. woke up with the dumbbell rebounding off the ground in right into my jaw. Took me 3 tries but I got up shook it off and finished the workout. Wife didn't believe me till she felt the chunk broken off from my jaw floating around.
So to conclude, training is something that has so many benefit's for me. Working out the rage, helps me focus my mind, you have couple hundred pounds over your face and see what you think of, and satisfies my need to constantly improve myself. I started at 6'1 135 pds. and have grown into 215 of solid muscle. You can do it, make your goals short and long always strive to do better, screw what other people think!! Your goals!! Your soul!!
Never retreat Never surrender!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Training this summer........

Been a productive summer although rough. Last few week I have been having allot of problems with my meds that I have to take. Imagine trying to train being sick to your gut and having chills , Sucks plain and simple. But by the end of training things are usually better. I suck it up.

I have been making gains though out my body. I have been focusing on my arms having one week with brutal high timed sets then the following week heavy training. Its been working my arms are coming up and filling out finally. Lets see chest has always been my favorite, I have changed the way I train it trying to get a more squared off look to the bottom as well as over all mass. Legs are a true test of my strengh of will. But my hard work is paying off I have hit personal records that I never thought I would be able to do. If you have read some of my previous blogs you would know about the severe medical problems well DR.s I took 315 down to ass and ankle baby for 4 beautiful reps. I have always squatted with a wide stance that used my butt for power. I changed my stance, 6'1 in height and only 18 inches between feet, all quads and it was also the last exercise in my routine this week . My left leg almost gave out on rep number 4 so I stopped but man THIS is the reason I am so gung ho in the gym. There is nothing like giving your all reaching those short term goals and surprising your self! The incredible rage I use when I train enables me to push things beyond what others do. I watch people stair at me in the gym but I don't care if they laugh. I love training!! If I had  a complete gym at home I'd train more and the sounds of a grown ass man singing his butt off to god know what would echo through out my neighborhood!! HHHmm shoulders have been really doing great. I still can't believe I got 95 lb dumbbells up for 6 reps on the dumbell military press!! I have really come to believe that if your smart about it and keep your focus you can attain your goals in the gym.
My back actually is really strong, I have made a point of slowing all reps down but sheez, its always been strong but come on 365 on bent rows, the seated hammer row my top set has 5 plates per side then a 70lb on top of that for 10 slow rows! It weird but everybody has those awesome body parts that respond to just about any thing. My biggest problem is getting the lat to contract hard enough before one of my joints starts to go. To strong of muscles and to weak of tendons and ligaments, so I've been working on increasing my secondaries so that I can tare it up on the main. Been working! Kind of funny I go up in weight for a couple of weeks then stop until the secondaries are stronger again. I have had this problem allot, considering how bad my genetics are. Oh well I work around it,
No retreat No surrender!!!
 I would say the one kind of music that defines me in the gym is the sound track from Conan the barbarian!! When I'm deep in the middle of a workout I feel like I 'm at the forge of my soul and a new being is brought forth through my blood sweat and tears!!! I roar at the confines of my prison and will never stop pounding the iron!! It is a burning need that doesn't care if your sick,tired, or whatever excuses you possess. I must honor the iron and build the machine of blood and bone that satisfies me! Of course being a bodybuilder this will never happen. Oh I could do this to my chest oh and that to my hamms. It never ends but neither DOES MY SOUL!
Never Retreat Never Surrender!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My leg day VS. your leg day........

Hello all,
So I thought I'd write about some of the difficulties I deal with but don't stop me from hitting the gym. So as we go through this please take a step back and imagine what it would be like to walk in my shoes.
First thing on leg day I get up well I take the braces off my feet and ankles, I have to or my feet curl up into fists. So I slowly change , but try to rush because my dogs have woken and I don't want them to wake the wife. So dressed I stumble down a full flight of stairs, and release the hounds.
I then go get meds and force them down, always hoping they stay down because if they come up I cant replace them . Meaning I am force to throw up in my hands to catch the meds. Not fun!
Ok we'll fast forward to 5 pm when the wife gets home with the car and I'm off.
It has been 12 hours since I had my pain meds, they only last 6 hours at hours 10 or so I go through daily withdrawls. I have chosen this with my meds because I physically can not handle another dose. I have forced myself lower. Dr. can't believe I'm doing this and still be mobile at all. I will explain the difficulties with my legs at the end.
Starting my leg routine I'm nauseous and had the dry heaves already so its up hill from now on!
My leg routine has all the basics as any body else but I can't squat 600lbs like I used to 10 years ago, and not why you think.
Leg extensions, leg curls,squats, and leg press. My routine is composed of high reps and brutal weight. Ok I do all these each time but here's the fun part when it comes to the leg press its one of  2 routines.First starting with 3 plates a side I add 2 plates each set to each side up to 16 plates total but the sets are all 20 to 30 reps and in this routine this is the last exercise. Second routine is 4 sets 12 plates 20 reps but legs are kept on top of sled between sets and only 45 seconds between sets. try it its great and the point is to force as much blood into the muscle as possible.
Ok so here's the status of my legs:
Left leg, the arties going down have remained strong about 90% of a normal person the returning system of veins and capillaries are at 15%. Any damage that's done to my shins,ankles, and feet, doesn't heal as fast, about 1 tenth the speed. Whats really bad is working 20 years on reinforced concrete. Both arches have broken and slowly and partially healed flat. Then theres the Plantar Fasciitis, both feet are destroyed. Both sets of ligaments bleed inside my feet if I walk more than a few blocks or stand for more than 15 minutes or so.  And since everything is out of alignment my ankles feel like I have 2 constant burned spikes one vertical one horizontal. People wonder why I don't smile.
Right leg: news is better here arties are good going down but...... and theres always a but, the return system has only shut about 60% down so its weird I can almost feel it dying some times..
Because this is what is happening , from the knees down my legs are starving for blood and not getting it and haven't been most of my life. As long back as I can remember my feet have turned purple, white and now black if I sit with my feet down to long. My wife is the one that first pointed it out to me about 4 years ago. I just never paid that close of attention and figured everybody was like this.
Hhhhmm I wont talk about my back in this post that's a hole nother issue that isn't pretty. Oh and did I say I was disabled?? Yah but I'm not dead, and the code I live by reinforces my soul to push on! No retreat No surrender. As you can see I have every reason to give up. Never get out of bed but to go to another Dr. appointment. But for some reason...... oh yah I don't give up, I will not let this or life beat me again.  I understand that by going and training the way I do that I could seriously cripple myself if I'm not careful. But that is no reason to give up. I have plenty of those, but I only have a few left to live by. Having your life completely destroyed by illness that is all genetic sucks . I have always felt that I should not have kids. I know now why I had that feeling. I could never pass this death sentence that is my health on to my child. Everyone deserves a fare shake. Some don't get it but that is no reason to be selfish and irresponsible.
There is some good news with my legs though, since I have implemented this new routine over the last 3 months my legs have begun growing and getting stronger again. Dr. says the random burning in my quads is from new growth and healing. Lets hope!!!
So there you go with a little rambling what a leg day is kinda like for me. I know that to achieve the goals I have set for myself that I must Never retreat and Never surrender.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Gym Etiquette

Hello all,
Today I thought I would build a list that all gym members should abide by. Most of it I consider commonsense but you know what they say about that!
So here we go!!!!!

1.Rack you weights:
 you wont believe this, one day I'm doing my thing I start watching a father son team. Dad leads son through the sets with little pointers, But get this the dad leaves the squatting rack with all the weights still on the bar! He then proceeds to another area makes a mess then leave it again! So being the considerate kind of guy I am , I make a point of slamming the weights as I return each one staring at the dad! Dude can't even look at me in the face and the boy just rolls his head and cringes, I hope the dad's not a hitter because I made him look like the as#$ole he was. Put your crap away the trainers don't pick it up till they have time and they never have time.
2. Dress correctly for the gym, cover your privates PLEASE!
 I really don't need to see this crap. You don't need the attention that bad. Have little self respect, grab a loose tank top and cover it up! There is a time and a place for everything. You want to show it? Get into a contest there is everything from bodybuilding to bikini shows. Not to mention the age range in clubs. If your a parent keep this in mind. I have seen the women and men that are predators in the gym, looking for any age group to prey upon, 40 something going for 15 to 20 something with zero supervision. The clubs don't care they want your money that's it. They do not follow what goes on , on the gym floor they DO NOT have any policies where they tell employees to watch out for younger members. This is why all my friends that are female in my gym know they can come to me for an escort or to terminate a problem then and there. I will not tolerate that kind of behavior in my presence.
3.Friends talking instead of training:
OK so I'm in the middle of training going to my next exercise and these to buddies are chatting up a storm, problem is that one of them is sitting on the equipment I need to use. So I give them about 5 minutes and say "Train don't talk! you done, if not what you got left?". Helps when your over 6 foot and all muscle about 215 currently. The guys actually looked guilty and moved on. Lesson here talk when your done please or keep it short under 2 minutes. That's enough for you to rest up for your set or let them work in.
Do not design a hour long program where you use one piece of equipment. I watched this guy slowly load up a bar, about 10 minutes between sets. Dude then does one or two reps then another 5lbs then 10 minutes of rest and chatting with his girlfriend that's doing the same thing on the other squat rack. So I worked around it but after 45 minutes of this crap- and 3 other members all standing and glaring with me I politely went over to the manager of the club and explained what was happening. By the way dude had 405 on the bar and girl about 95 so nobody could even work in. aaaahhhaa That really pisses me off!!!!!
5. Massively out of shape trainers:
 If you cant do it yourself where the hell do you think you get off attempting to help others. I have watched their programs for years and they are complete crap. Their goal is to make as much money as they can off of you. You sign waivers so that the bad form that's going to slip a disc or tear out your shoulder wont be their fault but yours!! I am building a web sight that I will use to help others and give them the advice they need to succeed! I'm not sure if I will charge anything yet.
6.Being sick in the gym:
Wait till your well,if you want to sweat it out, do it at home! Do not bring that sh#t to the gym!! Nuff said.
7.Newbies get the hell out of my way:
I understand your new,go ahead watch what I do and learn from it. But get the hell out of they way do not stand around in the gym. Do your routine, stay focused and get off machines quickly like everyone else! Pay attention to what everybody else is doing.
8. Scary bad form:
I see this way to much! Pick up a damn book, look up on the Internet the proper form before you cripple your self! I want to smack most of the adults, most of the teenagers have decent form just use wayyyyyy to much weight. The adults are just idiots,total ego's, way to much weight, horrible form and hitting on everyone!!!
OK so that's all I got for today I'm sure I have something again soon!! Just keep these basics in mind if you happen to go to a gym please!! Some of us spend a considerable amount of time there.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What motivates me to train.....

Hello all,
I get asked this question allot , it seems to the normal person that I should be at home in bed acting as sick as I am. Especially from my DR.s. The only one that I think understands is my cardiac Dr. he's a marathon runner and understands the ...... I guess need is the word that some people have to train their body's to the limit in one sport or another.
I have been thinking for awhile about this and the only way to get it off my chest would be to make a list, so here goes the Rev's motivation list:
1. My wife. She is an amazing woman, she's had some very serious health problems since she was just a few years old. She never gives up, I have watched here barely be able to stand but have an order she needs to make for her jewelry business, she gest up and hammers it out. Like me she just clenches her jaw and powers through. All day everyday woman is a power house and the last person on this earth that you want pissed at you!!
2.Dignity: For me I refuse to let my body mind or soul dictate to me what it can or can not do. I surprise myself everyday in the things that I accomplish. I can barely walk a mile without throwing up from the pain of my destroyed feet, yet that helps me push through the pain in the gym to get that much better, 5 lbs more on the bar or 1 more rep! I take that brutal negative and turn it into a positive.
3.Truth: I always ask for it from myself and others. When I was growing up my mother worked 2 jobs and was hardly home I basically raised myself. After watching my family's hypocrisy  and being discussed by it, I made up my own rules! I turned to reading and looked for someone to model myself after. OK now everybody I have ever told the following has laughed at me but one person. He being my physcologist. I call my rule my " Conan Principles". They are the following, I do not lie,cheat, steal and I actually care about my honor. I believe in being a good person but I WILL NOT tolerate any man striking a woman in my presence. No man can do this willingly and still be a man so I take out the trash with brutal efficiency.
4.Respect: The one thing I have told my step kids over and over is how lucky WE are to live in this country. Americans are fighters, I would not disrespect all the men and woman that have fought and died so that I could have the rights WE all have today!
5.Friends: I don't have many anymore, the only true friend I have in my life is Kari my wife weather she likes it or not. My own fault. According to the shrink, its very common for chronic pain suffers. We pull back in to dark pits of depression, some live some take their lives. Oh goody another bullet put in life's gun to my head. Anyway I have been really trying in the gym to make a few friends, kinda hard when you look like you want to kill someone because you focused on training. So I am very lucky to run in to a couple of people that well I respect. I do not have the cunning or patience it takes to teach teen agers!!! Teach I bow to you and am humbled by the friendship you have shown me. You have only seen the outer edges of the dark path and you are a true light for many!
cough...cough jeez there I go getting all mushy again.............
So there you go these are the 5 things in my life that motivate me. How many can you think of??? How long has it been since you told that friend how much they mean to you?
The first steps to a brighter path is realizing the things you do have and how lucky we all are to have this incredible thing we call life!!

Monday, October 1, 2012


Hello all,
Time for a check in on how I'm doing in the gym. A few blogs ago I described a few of my health problems but unlike most people I tend to never give up or surrender. So the first picture is me in all my training gear. I like black its easy to match and hide blood.....um anyways I have been able to add a solid 20lbs to all my lifts some over 50 this summer while keeping my weight at 215. So I have added more muscle at the age of 39. My goal is still 225 in hard contest shape so I can get up on stage in my Speedo's lol!!!
So this is the old man after a solid chest work out. 295 for 9 on incline bench press, 80 pounders on flat flyes and 325 for 8 on decline bench press. Then I went into barbell curls and put up 165 for 10 reps and alternate curls 75 for 8 reps. This is me easing up , I still dare any of you to come be my training partner. I will get you in the best shape of your life in 6 months so you can keep up with me!!! Bring it kids!!!!
I got a little good luck this last week , my Dr sent me to a physical therapist that has over 5 years in cardiac care . So while they can't believe the pain and agony I take to achieve my dreams I'm taking care to be here for a few more. I don't plan on dieing to early to leave a good looking corpse! Although the wife seems to think I'd make a great coat rack or diamond.
Well hopefully after reading this you'll take a look at yourself and may be think if he can do it maybe I can to! Nothing stopping you but yourself. If you want help send me a message and I'll do my best to help and motivate you! Remember the better shape were in the longer we can be around for our kids and gran kids!!!! And for all you bible thumpers out there . Your body is GOD'S temple NOT yours, treat it with the respect it deserves! No one's perfect, we all have our vices but you can take 20 to 45 minutes out of you day to take care of yourself! Exercise is all about you! And in this you should be SELFISH!!!!
Never Retreat Never Surrender!!